Thursday, March 11, 2021

WATCH LIVE: President Biden addresses nation on COVID-19 anniversary

Jax Cohen ​mom CJ Kilbride ​She's busy DropKick2020 ​Yo san marino ​pog XPro ​sup ppl CJ Kilbride ​Ayy Raven Heart ​had he spoke yet Romulus ​no. XPro ​no Andre Lopez ​biden is a clown hannah smith ​naw its coming up dadab0y ​Wow pbs left the comment section on...”look it’s yamiche must be racist ! Chris B ​Hey all CJ Kilbride ​Nah it's coming. 2000 EST Xtina Chavez ​Where’s my refund? Jason Fajardo ​what time? Raven Heart ​thank you Nathan Powell ​This crazy Peter Rasmussen ​Can he speak? is the real question.. Liza Brice ​heyyy Cesar Salgado Jr ​Regardless of what yall think of him...hes doing a pretty darn job man....this coming from a trump supporter.... Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Nathan Powell ​Anyone have his book? Pizza Sounds ​Peter lmao Kyle Silver ​Uhh PBS you may want to disable this chat before more people realize it’s open... Josh Castillo ​jeez, why would they leave the chat on... W Thomas ​not proven safe Andre Lopez ​will someone ask him a non vetted question? actually pressure him or will he read off of the teleprompter dadab0y ​ Where’s quid pro dementia Joe? Three Lions Media ​just put the lasagna in the microwave! jeff marks ​only 6k🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 John Vranas ​Wasn’t Trump already doing this Romulus ​andre, you're clueless. CJ Kilbride ​PBS smooth brain moment Medicated Trader from the Howard Stern Show ​I'm not taking this version of the vaccine Slow mode is on Send a message every 5 minutes MyNameAZeus ​hi Magnum Opus ​he is not lucid joe clancy ​Based a chat VeganLife ​Boooooooo Trap-Ace 2.0 ​yes PBS NewsHour ​Good evening PBS NewsHour viewers! Joseph Wheeler ​Hi ThermalSpace ​telepromptor again Erica Sikorski ​already bored NessKwik MD ​Pog PBS NewsHour ​Thank you for joining us today as we livestream President Joe Biden’s first primetime address to the nation since taking office. Lil Clace ​where's my money at joe Conor Hall ​still reading off monitor? PBS NewsHour ​Biden will be delivering remarks to mark a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed nearly 530,000 Americans and more than 2.6 million people worldwide. Long Tran ​My president sean murphy ​@ThermalSpace at least he can read Mary Pierce ​Good light Chris Schroeder ​I'll bet a hundred he screws this speech up! Mark Spicolli ​pre-recorded.. this is elder abuse.. SNAKE ​Good evening PBS Newshour! Cassandra Pagan ​They can stick my dead body Jeri Ballard ​Reading off a monitor and slow mode , what a joke Marcos Garcia ​thank mr b 1NoneofYourBusiness1 ​TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! jk I'm not a moron lol Mike ​Holy teleprompter barnan TheDrDirtbag ​Look at my president ❤ Terry Wang ​almost every presidential speech uses a teleprompter PBS NewsHour ​The address comes a day after a Congress divided along party lines approved a landmark $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, ... David Bramlett ​MAGA Forever Queensyndr Yo ​lol is this really live? Behrooz Yoosefi ​👌🏻👌🏻 Jennifer F ​well rehearsed 😂 Ali Jarrah ​Thank you, Mr. President PBS NewsHour ​... marshalling the government’s spending might against health and economic crises that have upended a nation: PBS NewsHour ​ RR1210 ​lol Chris R ​Eww. CEO Ice ​Doing well Biden, keep fighting and working with congress difficult azz TheLegend 27 ​This is prerecorded and edited. No way it’s live. Scott ​literally every president uses them, not almost jorge shadah ​Great job sir Sheri Wedmore ​Not the real Biden and not the President. Anne Valeron ​Mahalo President Biden! Connecticut State Guard. ​How’s everyone’s day going? Aggressive Spinner ​it's cgi ffs omg 😲 Aaron Kernohan ​This is not our president donna desimone ​Here is goes again, let me bring out the tissues. He's horrible. TheElectricBallroom ​Baba Booey!!! PBS NewsHour ​Biden signed the bill into law earlier today: Phoenixgryp ​We need Trump back asap dewayne stripling ​lier DazzlingDylan22 ​y'all need help David Smith ​What a piece of crap this guy is. Frank Dewit ​covid wasnt met with silence it was pure chaos DooDooBear ​it is just too obvious he is reading a teleprompter Kyle Odland ​TOOL!!!!! George Robson ​Maga is yesterday Albert Ducharme ​Is that the lights from US cities burning? Infinite Justice ​God Bless America ! teddy ruxspin ​This guy is a joke Michael Louis ​Every President but lying trump read off teleprompter. As do ministers in churches gayle mc ​this is my president. polyopoly ​so many Trump people coping in this chat Nicholas Wolfson ​Biden is great Anthony A ​trump was bad too George Mccaige ​Joe what are you on about ? Oh no not the card Danielle Burnett ​ Hey Jim take off the mask the world is watching shoktar ​Sadge Razvan Dumitrescu ​OCUGEN MENTION IT Oscar Rohena ​Thank you Biden Ed Denoy ​At 78 most of you will be crapping your diapers Andrew Hamell ​Disappointed to see a live chat. Myna Byrd ​Love him. A real man Lissa Wick ​Have some respect. Louis Lisio ​A talking skeleton Rochelle larue ​Omg